Pages tagged #android

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1. Saturday 9th February 2013
Saturday 9th February 2013: 11.59pm. Thought I'd share some interesting data ... this graph shows how compressible a dump of physical RAM from a series of virtual machines containing various operating systems is. This might give some idea as to how efficiently physical RAM is used by those operating systems on the basis that the less compressible their dump is, the more information they are packing into physical RAM, and therefore the less wasteful of physical RAM they are being. ...

2. Thursday 27th June 2013
Thursday 27th June 2013: 4.45am. Link shared: I was going to shell out for one of these today as I thought they'd be a top end phone with Android delivered and maintained by Google as if they were Nexus devices, but when I did some searching around I found out they'll be OEM updated, not Google updated. Which means an update frequency like Samsung does for my Galaxy Nexus, which, despite being exactly identical code to the Google updates, takes Samsung about three months longer to get round to it for no especial reason. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2013-06-27 04:45:24 +0000 UTC)