Niall’s virtual diary archives – Tuesday 27th September 2016

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Tuesday 27th September 2016: 2.48am. Just sat up till 4am watching the Clinton vs Trump debate (jetlag). Kinda found it fairly even to be honest, she was hugely undermined by smirking and looking smug when she was otherwise winning. He was, well, not at his best. I will say it was the best presidential debate I've seen since Bill Clinton's era, it had actual real differences in policy instead of the two candidates being barely distinguishable, and the candidates argued passionately instead of clearly going through the motions. So, great debate, great show, but no clear winner for all the wrong reasons in my opinion. It was worth staying up to watch it, might just record the next one.

Edit: Actually another thing annoyed me, Clinton kept holding back on finishing points she scored. She should have sent them home. I know it's because she's trying not to be petty and look above the fray, but I just found it irritating and fake. Any normal person would have driven those points home.

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