Niall’s virtual diary archives – Wednesday 12th December 2012

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Wednesday 12th December 2012: 3.18pm. It is a gorgeous sunny morning here in Waterloo, and I didn't get out of bed early enough to make it to the gym, so walked to work from our new flat for the first time today which takes about 25 mins. And wow, it's amazing how much shite is still in my lungs after that illness from two weeks ago, I must have coughed up at least half a lungful of gunk.

Feeling a bit swoozy right now. Much of that is exhaustion from my current RIM work item as I've been pulling many long hours in order to deliver it before Christmas. It's that tiredness you get even when you have had plenty of sleep, and it manifests in stupid coding mistakes like one I did yesterday which I'll have to spend today undoing. Inefficient. And I'd really just prefer to stare at the wall for a few hours and stop thinking. But, deadlines are deadlines. Note to self: in future set less work for yourself, and give yourself much more time!

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