Pages tagged #opensource

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1. Monday 21st July 2014
Monday 21st July 2014: 10.54am. Link shared: Job going with my current employer: There is an interesting story about that format of job advert actually (i.e. one where you are asked to send a list of URLs pointing to evidence to a series of questions about your history in open source, nothing else requested) - I originally pushed that idea whilst at BlackBerry as a way of fully automating via scripts the early stages of recruitment, and thus saving an enormous amount of otherwise wasted engineering time in filtering out the 80% of total time wasters and preventing HR from filtering out some of the really good candidates with unconventional backgrounds. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2014-07-21 10:54:38 +0000 UTC)