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1. BEurtle plugin for TortoiseXXX homepage
300) { w=elem.width(); h=elem.height(); scale=w/300.0; elem.width(w/scale); elem.height(h/scale); } }); height = $(gplusfeeddoc).height(); if(prodBrowser) $("iframe#rssfeed").hide(); $("iframe#rssfeed").height(height); } dynamicresize(); if($("iframe#rssfeed").height()16) $("iframe#rssfeed").show('slow'); } $("iframe#rssfeed").load(rssfeedload); -- This is a TortoiseXXX plugin for the Bugs Everywhere distributed issue tracker. The plugin integrates with TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGIT, TortoiseHG, TortoiseBZR etc. etc. to provide a pretty GUI interface for embedded, personal issue tracking. What is embedded personal issue tracking? This is when you keep an issue tracker - the same thing most centralised source code websites like sourceforge or github have - stored locally within your project's source code. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2011-08-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC)