Niall’s virtual diary archives – Monday 4th April 2016

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Monday 4th April 2016: 12.31am. Link shared:

I've decided to go completely mad and present the extremely early alpha post peer review proposed Boost AFIO v2 at the ACCU conference in two weeks time in Bristol. I was going to present a filing systems algorithms from first principles workshop based on AFIO v1 and present the same based on v2 at CppCon in Seattle in September, but I think the v2 rewrite, though right now more than ropey and requiring no less C++ 14 than VS2015 Update 1 minimum, might just substitute despite being as alpha code quality, and not even having a test framework yet, as it is.

For sure v2's generic filing system algorithms support is an enormous step up on v1's thanks mainly to dropping XP support, so v2 can now cancel and deadline time i/o now which makes possible a much closer mapping onto the C++ type system, plus makes SWIG bindings for all other languages enormously easier.

Here's hoping the live demo part of the 90 minute presentation does not now go very, very badly for me ... :)

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