Niall’s virtual diary archives – Monday 18th November 2013

by . Last updated .

Monday 18th November 2013: 5.08pm. Location: Waterloo, Ontario.

Five weeks to go before returning to Europe! But for me at least Thanksgiving is more important right now, because we can use that opportunity to bring back cheap stuff from the US which costs a fortune in Europe: simple stuff such as printer ink (€70 vs $50), baby breathing monitors, all boring but stuff which saves money long run. I am slowly winding up finding some way of relocating everything we own ... It's tough moving continents cheaply. My current best idea is to buy a "pallet with a roof" and ship that as a single freight item - god knows how customs would treat that though. Anyway most of today will be copying out my graph algorithms coursework - thankfully so far this maths course is much easier than the previous pure maths course, long may it continue! After that is posted off I'll start to concentrate on the relocation problem.

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