Niall’s virtual diary archives – Saturday 14th September 2013

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Saturday 14th September 2013: 12.13am. Location: John F. Kennedy International Airport.

So I didn't get the job in New York I was interviewing today for. I can now say it was with Bloomberg and it was the fearsome and famous John Lakos who got me in there, along with Kevin Fleming of Asterisk VoIP fame. Anyway went for drinks with John and his team after and there is definitely no hard feelings, Bloomberg were looking for someone I am not and probably never will be. For the huge hassle involved in working around the US visa situation, I had to be a perfect fit for their opening, and I was a long way from that. As John very kindly said after, he thinks he wouldn't have passed today's interview which is far too kind of him as I really don't think it's true. Still, it was a good experience to have an interview go about as badly as it possibly can. Hopefully the interviews next week can surely go no worse!

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