Niall’s virtual diary archives – Saturday 29th September 2012

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Saturday 29th September 2012: 11.54pm. So that's it - we now live in Canada! Very glad it's over. Unfortunately I misjudged a Canadian kerb last night and badly sprained my ankle which has made sorting out bus passes today etc. rather unpleasant. But I can rest up tomorrow, then hobble my way through orientation on Monday at RIM. One thing I'm missing a lot here in Canada is the ability to do any form of online shopping at all - we don't have the credit history for credit cards yet, and our European cards have the wrong address on them. That will take at least a week to sort out. Should have thought of that sooner, but oh the benefits of hindsight!

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Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2012-09-29 23:54:35 +0000 UTC)