Niall’s virtual diary archives – Tuesday 13th December 2011

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Tuesday 13th December 2011: 12.24am. Link shared:

My first book, the one I wrote just after graduating from St. Andrews "Freeing Growth: A Neo-Capitalist Manifesto" is finally launched and on sale from US$1.99 from all the usual eBook and book stores. More details at Reviews should be appearing on various Economics blogs and websites before Christmas.

Next book is being coauthored with the German Economist Norbert Häring which will be called "Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards" and is being published by Anthem Press in Spring/Summer 2012. This is a fairly critical book of the Economics profession - it shows how Economics went from a profession concerned with the improvement of man, to being slowly corrupted by money and Cold War politics from within such that today it is a caricature of a profession, dominated by selfishness, self-destructiveness and is an increasing blight upon society. It calls on the profession to clean itself up and go back to basics: helping humanity to better understand itself and the world around it.

Third book hopefully Summer 2012 will be called "Freeing Growth: In which ways does an economy grow?" or something similar. This will be another very short 100 page monograph on the ways in which to measure growth in an economy, and it will try to answer the question of whether we are actually growing by approaching the problem using statistical mechanics borrowed from Physics and applying it to information flows. I'm going to borrow heavily from Jevons' 19th century approach and extend it with modern mathematics.

Thanks to everyone who helped make these books happen, in particular to Megan, the St. Andrews girls to whom the Manifesto is dedicated, the staff from St. Andrews, and to those from within the World Economics Association especially Norbert for giving me such an opportunity. Have a great Christmas everyone!

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